13 July 2007

so much has happened...

it seems like ages since i have had the opportunity to sit down and catalog my thoughts and experiences. part of me is afraid that i might loose them if i don't act quickly, like catching fireflies in a jar without releasing any of the ones you've already managed to capture.

i have much to report on venice, rome, naples, amalfi, capri, sorrento, bari, ferries, hawaiians, sunsets, greece, corfu, togas, plate smashing, cliff jumping, bat caves, gorgeous vistas, beaches and friends. much to say about my trip to athens and my new adventure coming up to ios in which i will be taking a boat plane. (yes...a plane that takes off from the water, just like indiana jones.)

there is a lot to say about all of this and i only hope that i can make a dent in the long list of experiences i have to share. i have come across some really tough times in the last week: troubles to match the jubilee. it has taken a lot for me to look inside and question the content of my character as well as the strength of it. there are some things in a person that need an appropriate agent to help them see their faults and their beauty. i believe that i am learning again to see.

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